Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nightowlphotoholic; what's that??

When I was texting in between the wedding today, I came up with a crazy word that defines a certain person I know!?

So who do you get when you cross a night owl with a photographer who works and edits weddings until 6 a.m.?........Michael Lloyd, that's who.
Hence: Night Owl, Photographer, Workaholic. (Nightowlphotoholic).

Seriously this is my life and yes, I shoot good exposures in camera but...I imagine the potential of the image. I work my guts out to exceed my client's expectations and so far after 8+ years, it still works! Call me crazy, but I get so excited to see and share an image that otherwise is average.


devron said...

You are amazing. You should be famous!!!

Ash and Lace said...

you are amazing and i think you should be famous too! Your blog is the BOMB! I love it! your new logo rocks and your new images are incredible! will you shoot us soon? Best photographer ever... best guy ever...and even better... best family ever! we love you guys!

Michael Lloyd Photography said...

LOL, I wish I were famous then maybe I'd have a "Normal" schedule!
Love You All!!

Tinaya said...

You are wonderful and although your schedule is crazy you doing amazing work and it totally shows!

The Fifes said...

I hear you-- i stayed up till 1am yesterday, and now it's almost midnight?!