Sunday, September 28, 2008

Provo Canyon photograph on KSL 5 news

To my surprise, my photograph made the news tonight following the Eagles vs. Bears game. I shot this image on my way to a reception yesterday. I was ahead of schedule so I took full advantage of our beautiful state and God's amazing creations. The changing aspens and yellows are just around the corner. They are real strong in Park City right now.

Original image ^

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Provo Canyon, on my way up to Deer Valley

Provo River ^

Provo Canyon ^

Color infrared ^, shot just above Provo Canyon near Deer Creek Dam. I saw this lonely little tree with a missing middle section and I couldn't help but flip around and go back to it.

I Solarized this image ^. I was looking North East from Park City.

So I drove to 3 different gas stations looking for the New citrus Rock Star, before my Deer Valley Reception and drove along side this Awesome tree with amazing back light.

Nature Photo of the day ^

What an absolutely amazing state and country we live in!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Provo Peak in the fall

Provo Peak ^

So today was the day for our annual trip across Camels Back trail. It starts in Provo Canyon and comes out in Hobble Creek Canyon. Typically we plan for a 5 hour drive with all of the stops and photo opps. This year we just missed the peak for reds & oranges by about 3-5 days is my guess. But the yellows are just about here now. So if you are still looking to go for a ride up Provo Canyon do it now or in a few days :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

BYU hosts Wyoming with a 44-0 shutout!

Fui Vakapuna putting the hurt on his opponents, he loves to go at 'em!

Max Hall to Dennis Pitta

Sweet set up man :)

Future Heisman Trophy winner??

David Nixon scoring a touch down for the Kick Butt defense

This Photo of the day ^ tells the story of the game, the D-Line is Awesome!

Max Hall & Austin Collie chillin' with a healthy 44-0 lead, while the secondary keeps the Cowboys down

Harvey Unga is a stud! He's got great hands, tons of power and he's a Provo native

Friday, September 12, 2008

Karissa's Bridal Shoot

I love low angle

What a doll

I love fill light

Not everyone likes their toes photographed, but Karissa did. Her soo cute orange shoes were a perfect opportunity to show off a pedicure. Photo of the day ^ because of the artistic process

Classic shot of the full dress

The sunlight was so amazing!

A little extra color and artistic flare for an otherwise average sunset

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mount Timpanogos photograph on KSL 5 news

This was a fun follow up to the trip this morning with my buddy Mike. I shot this still image from my plasma after I saw it air on the 6 & 10pm news.

Here's the uncropped version.
Get out and enjoy the Fall season ;)

9-11 NOT forgotten

Did you take a moment in your busy schedule today to remember those who died and lost loved ones on this anniversary of the 9-11 attacks? We live in a land rich in happiness, blessing's and most of all FREEDOM. There are so many that would love to have what we Americans have and in some cases they might appreciate it more too!!
I felt overwhelmed today when I thought about this and really remembered this anniversary and also those who get up each and EVERY DAY to protect and preserve our FREEDOM'S. Count your many blessing's and may GOD continue to bless this GREAT Nation that we all LOVE.

A little Jeepin' above American Fork Canyon

So my good buddy Mike, a.k.a. Dr.Mike or to me, my Awesome dentist, decided to take 5 today. 5 hours that is, up above Tibble Fork Lake in American Fork Canyon. Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses and realize why you work so hard! In this case we stopped to smell some very clean and fresh air above the city sprawl. As many of you know I'm programmed to work only (see: nightowlphotoholic post) but today I decided to enjoy shooting some scenery and a few details here in this beautiful state of Utah, that I call home.
We met at the crack of dawn, the sun wasn't even up yet. (my kind of hours) The top was off of the Rubicon, the air was brisk! Fall is definitely in the air. Our first stop was at Tibble Fork to take a few shots and let out some air in the tires to ready the rubber for the rocks.
We followed the windey black top up until we met the dirt road. This was our next stop for a shot, it was the back side of Mount Timpanogos. The next stop was just above Silver Lake Flats ish, when I say ish I mean we didn't GPS it :) We crossed over a little stream and then back over it a couple of minutes later. Mike and I heard that there was another Lake up above Silver Lake Flats so we jeeped up a sweet rocky and slick runoff path, way up on the mountain side that came to an old mine shaft at a dead end. Talk about a 10 point turn on a cliff! Mike's a very experienced, safe and smart driver. After all of that maneuvering I asked Mike if he thought that, that was a little hairy? He replied, "Ya a Little." With a Big Smile. LOL!
On our way back down to where we crossed over the little stream I shot some very wet flower pix, they were beautiful with the morning sun. Next we headed up to the back side of Mineral Basin and at the top there was a huge gate with a No Trespassing sign on it, that kept up from literally climbing over the top of the mountain! Darn gate. We stopped for a bit and harassed a squirrel, took some more flower pix and just took in the absolute beauty of Gods wonderful creation's. What more can I say? We had a blast and we were both back in our office's just in time for lunch :)

Jeep Man!

Tibble Fork East view ^

Tibble Fork, South view. Photo of the morning ^

East side of Mount Timpanogos ^

Little stream near Silver Lake Flats ^

ROCK on Mike!

Did someone say.....OZZY?

There were beautiful flower's everywhere!