Saturday, September 27, 2008

Provo Canyon, on my way up to Deer Valley

Provo River ^

Provo Canyon ^

Color infrared ^, shot just above Provo Canyon near Deer Creek Dam. I saw this lonely little tree with a missing middle section and I couldn't help but flip around and go back to it.

I Solarized this image ^. I was looking North East from Park City.

So I drove to 3 different gas stations looking for the New citrus Rock Star, before my Deer Valley Reception and drove along side this Awesome tree with amazing back light.

Nature Photo of the day ^

What an absolutely amazing state and country we live in!

1 comment:


Hey Mike! My dad actually called me the other night and he said "Hey! Your photographers pics were on the news tonight". Just thought you'd like to know that he noticed. How are things? We started a blog... YEA! Hey, we're going to do postcards with pics from the wedding on it, so when you get a disk ready, let us know asap because we have a freakin butt load of thank you's to send out. You're the best:) Thanks! How's preschool for Bret?